Monday, April 20, 2015

Oh blog, how I've missed you...

As many of you know, BJ and I moved to a new home a month ago. Since then, we've been settling and having friends over because we are so excited to have space for entertaining! But in the midst of all the excitement, I've really missed blogging. So over the next week I'll try to get caught up.

For starters, I have to say that today was an awesome day! We had our first parent-teacher conference for Shepherd. Turns out, the little boy who is mischievous and wacky at home is perfectly well-behaved, creative, and brilliant at school. I knew he is wildly creative and intelligent, but well-behaved?!?  I shouldn't brag, but I am over-the-top with pride right now. I'll shut up now before I get too irritating.

But before I do, one last thing: my 4 year old has learned to write his name! I keep it on my fridge and force unsuspecting house guest to admire it. Yes, I'm that mom.

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