Friday, August 01, 2014

Nesting, Third-Child Style

Nesting is very different this time around. With both Shepherd and Lydia, I thoroughly enjoyed creating a space for them. For baby number 3, though, there is no space in which to carve out a space. We are sardines in our little matchbox house. So here is what nesting is looking like with #3.

1. As with Shepherd and Lydia, I painted her a painting for her room. I had to do something that would look right in Lydia's room since they will likely be sharing for the next 18 years or so. I was pretty pleased with how it came out.

2. Next, I made t-shirts for Shepherd and Lydia to wear to the hospital. Last time, Shepherd was a little freaked out by the whole hospital experience, so I wanted to try and build it up as a fun experience that come with its very own wardrobe!  So far, Shepherd is excited about wearing his new shirt to meet his new little sister. He has also informed that he will wear his Big Bro shirt on his birthday. He likes to plan ahead.

3. The biggest nesting project has been cooking, cooking, and more cooking. By the third baby, one is pretty realistic about what they are going to get done the first three months. My expectations for home-cooking and a clean house are pretty low. So I decided to make a list of freezer meals that could be made ahead of time:

Then, BJ's mom came down to stay with us for two weeks while BJ was at Lipscomb for school, and we cooked until our little freezer chest was full of over 30 dinners and 15 breakfasts.

Other than these major projects, I've just been doing the small stuff: washing and folding clothes, packing the hospital bag, trying to keep the house tidy enough that I won't feel horrible leaving it when I do go into labor, and most importantly, spending as much time playing with these two crazy kids before our world gets turned upside down again (in a good way, of course.)

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