Tuesday, February 02, 2010

The verdict

Only 6 right for Best Picture

4 right for Director

4 right for Actor

An embarrassing 3 for Actress

4 for Supporting Actor

4 for Supporting Actress

So in all, I got 25 out of 35. Argh. They were tricky this year.


John Pierce said...

I am sorry I beat you so soundly. If it's any consolation, neither of us can remember what the reward was for my winning the bet. So, you're sort of off the hook.

Plus, this is just the warm-up round.

Kayla said...

You still did way better than I would have. I haven't even heard of some of these movies. :) I was very surprised that The Blind Side got nominated for Best Picture. I liked the movie a lot, but I don't know if it's Best Picture material.