Monday, December 12, 2011

It couldn't possibly be two weeks

It is amazing how fast time flies between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm sorry it has been 2 weeks since I posted, but I'm afraid I've spent the last week in the nearly internet-less abyss of Menard. It was relaxing and wonderful, but I guess I better get back on the ball.

My mother got on to me while I was in Menard for not bringing my camera and for never doing blog posts on my trips down there. So to make up for it, here are a few poignant and deeply moving (though pictureless) points about my week in Menard.

1. Shepherd's cheeks are a little chubbier after a week in Menard. For every meal, he had total access to three plates as well as his own. And if you know anything about my son, you know that where there is food, he is there to eat it.

2. I got to eat all the Southern food I love that BJ is not too keen on. One night, we had pinto beans and corn bread. It was divine. Shepherd ate a full serving and then some.

3. I was lazier than any one has a right to be last week. One day, Shepherd and I were both still in our pajamas when Mom and Dad got home for their lunch hour. That just isn't like me.

4. While Shepherd relentlessly ran around creating complete and total chaos, my parents kept marveling that they don't remember me ever doing these things. I have already concluded that Shepherd got almost nothing from me, but I've also concluded that I'm perfectly fine with that. He is so his own person, and it is just fascinating to watch the big personality God made growing in Shepherd. He is a hand full, but we are all having fun chasing him.

5. Speaking of Shepherd being a hand full, he has decided that he does not like having poopy diapers changed. His response is to cry while doing everything in his power to escape. One day, I was needing to make some phone calls, so Mom and Dad were watching him. When I was done, I walked in their room to find them changing a poopy diaper. Unfortunately, by the time I got there, Shepherd was hanging halfway off the bed screaming with his little naked hind end sticking up in the air, and Mom and Dad where just trying to get wet wipes out as quickly as possible. By the time they finally finished, my Dad said, "I don't remember you or your brother doing that." I have a funny feeling we never did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The most fun we have had in a while. Loved our time with you and Shepherd. Love, Mamm and Pap