Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My life is a mess. Literally.

For the past few weeks, our little family has been taking turns being sick, and when my family is sick, I sort of shut down to the outside world and just focus in on them. As a result, I am horribly amiss on blogging this month.

To reinitiate myself into blogging, I'd like the make a list for posterity's sake of everything I've cleaned up in the past 24 hours:

  1. An entire bowl of oatmeal dumped on the floor.
  2. An entire bowl of cheerios and milk dumped on the floor.
  3. A handful of peas thrown throughout my kitchen. 
  4. Half of a Starbucks drink spilled under my dining room table.
  5. About 4 poopy diapers.
  6. A mixture of snot and ash spread across my son's face after he got into our chiminia.
  7. A full sippy cup of milk whose lid I forgot to screw on before Lydia found it.
  8. An entire bottle of Benadryl that I dropped at midnight last night during a drousy effort at medicating my sinusitis-addled self.
 And last but not least, here are some pictures of the laundry "beach" Shepherd constructed using a basket full of dirty clothes along with Shepherd (aka "the lizard") crawling around in them. This is the next thing I get to clean up.

Oh, and here is a picture of the beautiful, sweet, wonderful little person who spilled the oatmeal, cheerios, peas, milk, and filled all of those diapers.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are so precious. I am ready to see them again.
