Sunday, May 04, 2014

My Children, In a Nutshell

We spent our first evening at the beach on Murray Lake tonight. It is one of our favorite summer past times. Shepherd was already having a pretty great day because while I was doing my grocery shopping, I came across a Monsters University mask. He hasn't been without it since I gave it to him. He even had it in his bath tonight. Here are some pictures of my very content son.

My daughter, however...oh, my daughter. Let's just say that for the most part, she was unimpressed with the whole beach thing. While we were playing on the beach, she just kept walking around griping. Once when she was walking away from me, I asked her to turn around and smile so that I could snap a picture. Here is the Kodak moment she gave me:

When Shepherd saw this picture tonight, he said: "Oh, Lydia looks mad." Yep. She does.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Lydia should borrow Shep's mask. It looks like it's smiling. Love those babies!

Anonymous said...

They crack me up. Ready to see them.
