Friday, August 07, 2015

Four Days to Go: Violet's Personality

Since three kids keep a mommy pretty busy, I haven't been able to post as much about the development of Violet's personality as I did about Shepherd and Lydia. So to make up for that, here are the three attributes that have most stood out about Violet this past year.

1. In stark contrast to another little Gensic girl I happen to know, Violet is very friendly. She lets people other than BJ and myself hold her. Where that other aforementioned girl offered sighs and cold glares in response to people's smiles, Violet simply smiles in return.

2. Violet is also a pretty content person. She doesn't seem to stress out too much. Unless she's in a car seat. She hates car seats with a ferocity that is truly mind-numbing for the other passengers.
 She has made us scared to leave our home.

3. When I think of Violet, the first words that come to mind are "crazy little dare devil." Perhaps, these are the words I think of because I spend 90 percent of my waking hours saving her from certain injury. She is full of ideas about things she can do. Practically all of them are bad ideas. And most of them involve climbing. Climbing toilets. Climbing rocking chairs. Climbing couches. Climbing beds. Just climbing. She has even figured out how to move toys near objects she wants to climb so that she can use the toys as stairs. She's a genius, a crazy little genius.

So to close, here is a picture of Violet eating her toes, because you can never get too many pictures of Violet.

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