This afternoon, BJ and I watched the movie
500 Days of Summer. The movie is pitched as a story of "boy meets girl, boy falls in love, girl doesn't." The leading male character is a romantic guy who believes in love, soul mates, and all that good mushy stuff. He falls in love easy, hard, and fast. In other words, he is BJ 10 or so years before he met me. And BJ had a few (translated "a lot") of "boy meets girl, boy falls in love, girl doesn't" moments back then.
It only took a few minutes into the movie to realize we were about to watch the pre-Kalyn years of BJ's life. It was a little hard to concentrate on the movie because of the comentary coming from the sofa:
"Girls like that are the spawn of satan."
"He's getting played."
"Yeah, and then she'll say, 'I wish I were in a van driving home so I wouldn't be here talking to you.'" (That was one of the lower moments.)
And the classic and oft repeated, "She's evil."
It was actually a sweet little film that I enjoyed thoroughly. For BJ, though, it was maybe a little too reminicent. But I would definitely recommend the movie to those who like an artsy flick, those who can laugh at the acute pain only love can inflict, and those who haven't been left too bitter by girls kicking them in the crotch (figuratively speaking, of course).
Poor BJ.