Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Approaching Baby-moon

BJ and I haven't taken a vacation for just the two of us since our honeymoon over four years ago. You might say we've been too busy moving all over the place to even think about vacationing. With just nine weeks left until two becomes three, we've decided that we should take a short vacation. On Monday morning, we are taking the Amrak to Chicago from Alton. The plan is to do a bunch of nerdy stuff, like leisurly stroll around all the great museums Chicago has to offer, and eat at some fun restaurants for three days. Then we'll head back to Alton and hit the road with BJ's parents to go to Indiana for a baby shower. It's going to be a busy but fun week. We are really looking forward to everything, and I'm just hoping I can keep up with our tentative plans considering I'm currently a seven-month pregnant, waddling blimp. We'll take pictures.

On a completely different subject, a few of the teens from our church youth group informed me that they would appreciate me mentioning them in some way on my blog, so here it goes. In no particular order, to Mark, Kate, Preston, Hannah, Sarah, Kristen, Kelsy, Morgan, Jordan, Tessa, and all the others who frequently come to our events and classes, you make Western Kentucky a more interesting place. Much love and thanks.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

That babymoon sounds fun!