Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Four Days to Go: The Shoes

Everything on Lydia is tiny, so it should come as no surprise that Lydia has exceptionally small feet.  When I was pregnant, Uncle Bro and Aunt Stephanie got Lydia a pair of 3-6 month pink Converse shoes to match my own pair.  I was very impatient for Lydia to be able to wear them, but it took her about 6 to 7 months to grow into them.  Fortunately, they have now fit her for the latter half of her first year.  She has worn them out.  They are frayed and grimy.  She has crawled and walked all over the place in these shoes, and they show the signs.  Her toes are just now reaching the limit, so I will be retiring them soon.  But when I think of Lydia as a baby, I'll probably always think of her in pink converse shoes.  Here's a pictures of Lydia's first truly great pair of shoes.  Being that she is a girl, there are probably going to be many, many, many, many, many more pairs to come (and yes, BJ, you will be paying for them the next 17 years).

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