Saturday, February 17, 2007


A family at our church recently discovered that their dog had given birth to what they thought were 11 puppies underneath their house. Since BJ and I are pretty much the only people at the church in good enough condition and small enough to crawl under a house, we were elected to go out this morning a help get the puppies. We had a blast.

I have never crawled underneath a house, and that was really fun, ecspecially since I'm short enough I could get on all fours while BJ and Reggi were scooting on their bellies. Once we got to the back corner, we started stacking puppies into a Rubbermaid container. We then scooted them out and rolled them in a wagon to a shed where we counted them: 6 girls and 6 boys. That's right: 12 PUPPIES!!! I was pretty excited, and continued to cuddle with them. Here are a few pictures of the adorable puppies...

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