Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A Menard Moment

Here's a story from Menard that I was thinking about earlier. It happened a couple of weeks ago while I was staying down there, but it still makes me laugh.

Mom, Dad, and I were eating lunch and talking about some workshop video my brother had to watch about learning to love your job no matter what it is. Dad was basically laughing at how stupid the whole concept is (obviously, I inherited my optimism from him). My mom started getting angry at him for being negative, because Mom really is the eternal optimist. In her fury, she lost all control of the words sputtering out of her mouth, and she said to my father in an extremely frustrated tone, "Oh, stop being such a grumbly-dub-dub." My dad got this bewildered look on his face and said, "A what?" By the time Mom realized she had spoken complete gibberish, it was too late: she had just added yet another word to the Pierce vocabulary. So if you are ever coming through Menard, keep a positive attitude because according to the book of Loveticus, "Thou shalt not be a grumbly-dub-dub."

By the way, I know what you're thinking. Does this new word have anything to do with three men in a tub? We have yet to establish a solid connection there, but we're still investigating.


Anonymous said...

Did you just have to write this down for the world to see?!
I still love you anyway.

Kayla said...

Haha! That's totally something my mom would do. And the rest of us would never let her forget it! I think my mom and your mom should be friends :)