Friday, February 15, 2008

The best Valentine's Day ever, or the only good Valentine's Day ever

I generally hate Valentine's day with all its commercial mumbo jumbo and the pressure it puts on couples to act really "in love". However, for the first time ever, I had an awesome Valentine's Day, and it is all because me and BJ have no money.

Since things are more than a little tight right now, BJ and I decided to do something a little different this year. I constructed two zig-zag books using random supplies from my art room, and I filled them with questions, fill-in-the-blanks, and other fun stuff that we had to fill out about each other. Last night after dinner, we sat down and read what the other had written. It was so funny and touching and romantic, and BJ even made me cry a little. I've decided to post some of the high-lights from each of our books.

Excerpts from BJ's book for me:

-If Kalyn were a Biblical character, who would she be? Mary, Martha's sister, because she was kind of a hippi who was running around sighing "Jesus" with butterflies in her hair.
-If Kalyn were a food, what would she be? Chicken-fried steak, mashed potatoes, and corn (that's right, I'm a steak).
-If Kalyn were a place, where would she be? a shaded, cool but warm forest with lots of water.
-Favorite memories: the car ride our first day of marriage, canoing in Indiana, all our trips to Illinois.
-5 words that define Kalyn: gentle, caring, passionate, self-sacrificing, and great!-cook.
-Fill in the blank: Kalyn is the most sensitive person I know.
-Fill in the blank: If I could get you anything for Valentine's Day, I would get you financially free so you could stay home and make art.

Excerpts from my book for BJ:

-If BJ were a character from a book or movie who would he be? Ron Weasley because he is stubborn, hot-head, but good hearted...and he got the nerdy girl.
-If BJ were a Biblical character, who would he be? Jeremiah because he was always honest with God and was willing to become vulnerable for the sake of maintaining that honesty.
-(this one is my favorite) If BJ were a dog, what breed would he be? Scottish Terrier "Independent and self-assured...rugged nature and endless determination...sometimes seen as aloof, he is actually very loyal to his family. He can have a temper, but is also quite sensitive."
-Five words that define BJ: resilient, goofy, loyal, devoted, passionate.
-Favorite thing he has said to me: "It's like you, the embodiment of elegance with a smudge."
-Fill in the blank: BJ is the most passionate person I know.
-Fill in the blank: If I could get you anything for Valentine's Day, I would get you a new computer with all the works.

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