Friday, February 08, 2008

A good day

Tuesday was the crazy meeting of three pretty awesome day: my birthday, Super Tuesday, and Fat Tuesday. All of these days are exciting on their on, but put together, it was a combustion of awesomeness.

My day started as most days do, with the alarm clock. But on this really awesome day, my husband threw a birthday card and a package of gum at me before he pushed the snooze button. The card was in Spanish. BJ wrote in it, "I don't know what it says either, but Happy Birthday!" So romantic. On my way to school, instead of listening to morning talk shows reporting on Brittney Spears, I got to listen to The Audacity of Hope, a b-day gift from Brittany. Then, I went to school and set in classes where we talked about the only things English majors ever seem to talk about: sex, the end of Christianity, and fairies. The rest of my day was pretty normal (or as normal as English classes can be) until I got home and BJ took me out to Macaroni Grill. We then embarked on a long search for All-Star Converse tennis shoes, but found none that struck my fancy. So instead, we went to Old Navy where BJ set in the dressing room and told which items he did and did not like. Actually, he didn't have to say a word. All I had to do was look at his face and I knew. After we returned home rather late, I spent the rest of the evening watching, agonizing over, analyzing, and fretting over election results. I'm pretty sure my recent swing into political junky-hood is not good for my health. But all in all, I'd say it was a successful day of combined awesomeness.

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