Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Other than having a stable marriage, BJ and I have yet to experience any other kind of stability in our short marriage. Life has been constant uncertainty and flux as we have looked for jobs, moved, and looked for jobs some more. I'm not complaining. I have not been bored for about three years. However, sometimes I get tired.

Our luck is laughable at times. Or, at least, laughter seems like the better choice when crying is the other option. I have this uncanny feeling that luck is not the only component, that we must be doing something terribly wrong, but no one has bothered to clue us into the cosmic secret that makes things go magically right. Whenever I put my logical self on, though it be a rare occasion, I am able to remind myself that Biblical characters rarely had easy or comfortable lives, so why am I complaining? I fear that the myth of the American dream has caused me to forget the reality of my Christian narrative. Life is hard. We rely on Christ and serve others. We die. Something better happens.

I thought I would take a hiatus from funny Gus stories to write what has really been going on in my mind, but things have gotten a bit despair-ish, so I think I'll sign off. But one last thing, to comfort the people who care about me, don't worry. I am living in the abounding hope of Christ.

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