Friday, January 07, 2011

Recommended Reading

I'm married to this guy (you might of heard me mention him once or twice on this blog) named BJ. He is a smart guy, and he has directed all of this smartness towards better understanding the Bible and God and what it means to be a Christian. This year, he is reading through the Bible cover to cover and blogging about it. If you would like to go along for the ride, I recommend following his blog, A Wondering Disciple, where he is posting daily on his readings. So that's my shameless plug for my brilliant and handsome husband whom I love even though he makes me be a preacher's wife.


BJ said...

Thanks for the plug and the confidence. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the info. I'm following along now and I love seeing the way my son's mind works. I wish I could take credit for that. Love you both,
Mom G