Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I love the first days of spring, the days when it seems perfectly reasonable to wear short in upper-50s weather. Today is on of those first days. BJ had to go out of town for a meeting, so the kids and I are spent a very typical spring morning at home. 

First, we waited out the early morning chill by racing cars down the hallway.


 Then, we headed outside in our shorts with light jackets.


At one point, Shepherd insisted I take a picture of the boo-boo on his knew.

Somewhere along the way, Shep got ahold of the camera.  Oh well.

Happy Spring, everyone!


Trump's A Joke said...

I'm definitely ready for spring here. We haven't seen 50 here yet but a few days in the 40's have happened. (Although today we're getting snow again)

Anonymous said...

I am so ready for spring. We are having a beautiful day today. Thank you for the pictures, they are growing too fast. Love you, Mom aka Mamm