Thursday, February 19, 2009

I am way, way too much like my father.

Right at this very moment, I am such a bundle of nerves that you would swear if you poked my upper back (where I happen to hold tension), that I am actually made of steel. Or better yet, that I have muscles.

Unfortunately, it really is just nerves. My dad is having some heart problems again, and he is going in tomorrow for a procedure called a TEE. From what I understand, they will send something down his esophagus to take a good look at the back of his heart.

Chances are there is nothing too terribly wrong, although he might end up having some heart surgery. But my dad has a unique capacity for always assuming the worst. He has managed to convince himself based off of a flippant comment from the doctor that lung cancer is causing the heart problems. He's never smoked, and he has no symptoms whatsoever of lung problems, but he is convinced.

My brother, the most non-dramatic person you could ever possible meet, is able to see the absurdity in this, make a joke that breaks the tension in the room, and go on with life with the attitude of 'I'll worry about it when there is actually something to worry about' (which is almost never).

I, unfortunately, am very much my father's daughter: we look alike, we like the same things, we can both get worked into a fury over five minutes of Fox News, and we have neurotic anxiety. I fight the encroaching thoughts of 'it must be something awful,' but I rarely, or never, win the battle. These thoughts work themselves into my psyche, set up camp, and don't leave until there is absolutely no shadow of a doubt that what I am fearing is false. In the mean time, I am left shaky, tense, and probably creating my own stress-induced health problems that I am quite certain will strongly resemble those of my father.

So anyways, please say a prayer for my father, his heart, his anxiety, and his neurotic daughter. We all need help this week.


Anonymous said...

*hugs* Prayers for all of you. I am reminded of some advice Austin used to give me on a regular basis: "Remove yourself from the situation and breathe." You can't totally do the first bit, but the second bit is possible. Love you guys.

Brittany Baumgartner said...

Thanks for letting us know, Kalyn. You and your family are in my prayers. Hang in there, girl.

Anonymous said...

Hoping and praying everything will be okay. If you are this stressed now I am scared to see what you will be like as a mother:) just kidding, I know you will be great-just anxious!Deborah

Anonymous said...

Prayers are being said for all of you. Lean on BJ, trust in God (I know you do, and go paint or play with Gus. Keep us posted.
Love you all,
Mom G