Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The point at which technology has gone to far

The other day, I was using a public toilet with automatic flushing. When I first stepped into the stall, I noticed a drop of water on the seat, so I started cleaning. As soon as I finished, the toilet flushed. It was a powerful flush, and immediately, there were more drops of water on the seat. So I cleaned them up, and when I finished, it flushed again leaving water on the seat. I think you can get a sense of the cycle. I stood arguing with the toilet in this clean/flush/spray cycle, but to no avail. I eventually gave up.

Who decided that pressing down on a handle was too much work for humans these days? When did that become beneath us? Because I'm pretty sure that self-flushing toilets are a ridiculous invention. I can flush my own toilet. And then I can wash my hands, and everything will be just fine. I don't need (nor do I want) the toilet to flush itself for me. The toilet is not as smart as me, and therefore, does not know the best and most appropriate time for flushing. In fact, I think I could go for an outhouse after this experience. A place where no grand rapids of toilet water interrupt my day. And as I walk out to the outhouse, I will feel defiant and triumphant in my stand against technology that is useless and silly.


Kayla said...

I totally agree! They always flush too quickly. It's not really that much trouble to flush your own toilet.

Anonymous said...

You are so funny. I totally agree.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Another much water/energy do they waste? Instead of the one flush when you wanted, I imagine it flushed several times.

John Pierce said...

Have you ever been in a guys' bathroom? The problem isn't that people aren't smart enough or strong enough to flush. It's that they're too lazy. The self-flushing is necessary; that way, somebody flushes.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Kalyn. But I think your brother is right. I flush a lot of toilets for people on Monday mornings when I check the bathrooms at church. We make life so hard for each other. I promise to flush after myself the next time we come down.

Love you, Mom G

Anonymous said...

Wait until you take a newly potty trained child to poop in a public restroom. These toilets almost suck them up! They also have to wiggle to not fall off the big toilet seat- when they wiggle it flushes- when it flushes they cry- when they cry they will not relax to poop- It gets ugly.. Then you go home:)
Both of my boys make me hold/cover the electronic sensing device so it won't flush- it is gross, but I do it for poops sake:)Deborah

Kalyn Gensic said...

That is great Deborah. Thanks for making me laugh this morning.