Monday, May 21, 2012

You know you're looking pregnant when...

I was doing my grocery shopping late last night when I had one of those moments that assured me I must really be looking pregnant.  I was on one side of aisle across from a mother, father, and their 7 year old boy.  All of the sudden, a man's voice from behind me yelled something, and the little boy went running towards the man.  Turns out, the voice belonged to the couple's much older son who was simply giving his little brother an exuberant hello.  Apparently, I was jumpy last night, because his yell startled me enough to cause me to jump.  The older brother immediately apologized for scaring me, but it was what his jokingly gruff father said while scolding his older son that made me realized just how pregnant I must be looking: "Son, if you burst that woman's water, you're mopping it up!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious!

Love you,