Monday, June 11, 2012

Six Thoughts at Six Weeks To Go

1.  Having seen Shepherd develop over these past 20 months, I'm much more aware of just how fast babies change.  Shepherd is getting so smart.  It isn't that I think he is smarter than other kids his age.  I haven't been around enough children for that to even remotely be my point of reference.  What astounds me is that he is so much smarter than he was 20 months ago.  I hope that this bit of insight will help me appreciate each moment a little more.

2.  The first letter in BGG's name is a letter Shepherd has trouble saying.  This little impediment is going to make it even cuter when he says her name.

3.  I hope that I can teach her that while most feminism is rubbish, there is good feminism.  I don't buy into the feminism that says we should all wear pants, get high paying jobs, and be more man-ish.  I also don't buy into the feminism that emasculates men to validate ourselves.  I do, however, buy into the feminism that says being a woman is a blessing, and that our gifts and tendencies and abilities make society better.  Perhaps this is why I haven't held back on the "girly" in her room and wardrobe.  I want her to know that being a girl is a wonderful thing.

4.  I pray everyday that she and Shepherd will have a relationship like mine and my brother's.  I love my brother.

5.  I'm in the particular hormonal phase of pregnancy that makes a woman mushy.  Shepherd is an affectionate and cuddly child.  If you come to visit this mushy mother and her little boy, we will likely be dancing or in the kiddy pool together or cuddled up on the couch or rocking in a rocking chair reading books.  Basically, you can safely bet that we will be somehow attached.

6.  When I start getting anxious for the due date to come and impatient to meet my daughter, I just remind myself that after pregnancy comes dieting, and I hate dieting.  This thought alone makes me grateful for the next six weeks.        

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kalyn, you are so sweet. I love you so much. Mom