Sunday, September 10, 2006


If you know me, you have probably heard what an incredibly deep sleeper I am. For example, I once slept through my parent's house flooding. We were reroofing the house, and a hail storm came through Menard. I was asleep on the couch that night. My whole family was running around with the lights one, yelling and getting buckets. It was pretty much total chaos. My only memory from this is waking up just long enough to think, "What a strange dream, Dad running in his underwear with a bucket."

A few weeks ago I slept through Sienna throwing up (because she ate Tony's pooh) a couple of feet from my head. I only woke up because BJ was making racket while cleaning the mess with the express purpose of waking me up.

I tell you all of this because I found out today that my life is in danger. BJ was telling me earlier how he sometimes wakes up to find his arm over my face. And I am utterly clueless, deep in sleep. Basically, he could suffocate me, and I would never know. These are the perils of being married.

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