Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Awkward questions

This past weekend was my best friend, Theresa's, big wedding shower in Menard. Of course, I was excited to go see Theresa and my family, so I had a blast. The only bad part was the very thing I knew was inevitable before I left Abilene. You see, I had an almost identical shower with most of the same people about six months ago, so I knew what everyone would be asking me this time around: "So how is married life?", or for those who are creative, "How's married life treatin' you?" I hate this question. It is so loaded. Everything about their expressions says: "Newly weds have a lot of sex. I bet you're having a lot of wild, crazy sex." And since I know this is what they're thinking, I feel really awkward saying "Married life is great" because what they hear is "I have a great sex life", which I do, but that is beside the point. This post is even getting awkward. I am going to end it now.

1 comment:

Emerald Lemmons said...

oh Kalyn...::uncontrolable laughing:: I totally know what you mean. Only its one step worse because, as you know, anytime you're late to anything people assume the happy newlyweds were simply having wild passionate sex.

How do you respond to the quizical looks and loaded tones behind, "so...did you have a nice ::pause for dramatic effect:: lunch???"